

The traditional National Umpire seminar will be held again, but this time with emphasis on umpired fleet race.

Time: 4-5 April. Saturday between 10-17 and on Sunday between 9-16 (approx. times).

Place: NJK Björkholmen

Register by Sunday 22 March. The course will be organised, if minimum 8 people participate.

Requirements: Participants should have an understanding of the game of sailing and know part 2 of the Racing Rules of Sailing (when boats meet) and addendum Q for umpired fleet racing.

Language: default language is English, but clarifications can be made in both Finnish and Swedish.

Instructor: International Umpire & International Judge Mats Björklund

Price: 80e, includes teaching, materials, test and lunch/coffee/etc.

On Sunday you have the opportunity to take the written test, which you need to pass in order to arrange for an on-the-water-assessment. Once you pass these two you can apply for the national umpire status.

There is a chance to practice on the water umpiring in Mariehamn during Easter, at the Youth qualifiers of the sailing league. If you wish to take part in that, contact Juuso at address below.

You can get a 50 euro subsidy if
– you are NJK Sailing Center member,
– pass the written exam after the course,
– pass the on the water assessment later in the year
– commit to umpiring in at least two events during this coming season and applying the NU status after you have enough events on your cv

For more info contact juuso.leivonen gmail.com


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